Letter to Jay Winik


I was listening to the Laura Ingram show the other morning and quite frankly was disturbed by the interview she had with author Jay Winik. I loved April 1865 and am reading the Great Upheaval. I was very disappointed in his appearance on Laura Ingram's radio show. I would think that he is rather insincere in his writings or he could of stood up to her perversion of the great American experiment. See email to Winik below.

Dear Mr. Winik:

I was a big fan of April 1865, a very important book I recommend to my children and friends.

I am just starting the Great Upheaval. I understand that part of the obligations of an author is to make the talk show circuit and appearing on Laura Ingram's show is just one stop on than trail.

However, are you aware that you allowed her to use you to advance the false proposition than the U.S. is a Christian country which has fallen away from its religious roots - someday leading to a collapse of our society. Moreover, the founders, agreed to a great compromise...the Constitution which makes no reference to God or Christianity. The 1st Amendment was specifically intended as a shield to prevent the federal government from imposing any religious test or rule that would allow any citizen to be discriminated against as a result of his religious beliefs and practices. Only by keeping the government out of religion could the diversity or religious practices be allowed to flourish.

Many on the Christian right, including Ms. Ingram are not even bashful in attempting to hide their desire to revert to a past that never existed or at least never was intended.

Perhaps you agree with these views, which I consider very dangerous, but upon reading April 1865 and the first 100 pages of the Great Upheaval, I suspect this is not the case.

I would not have considered it rude, but rather it would have strengthened your credibility with your readers if you had taken her on when she tried to put a Christian virtue veneer on your works.


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