More Riots in Paris

A second night of riots by "youths" in a Paris suburb left more than 80 police injured, five critically. Around 100 men hurled petrol bombs and bricks at police in the town of Villiers le Bei. Several buildings were damaged. Guns were used against the police. Link to story
The disturbance came after a 15 and 16 year old boys were killed in a motorbike crash when their motorbike hit a police patrol car. The police were accused of leaving the scene after the accident, but three eye witnesses interviewed on television say the police tried to revive the boys after the crash. The police said that the boys ran a red light without wearing helmets on an unregistered bike. The boys are African immigrants. Omar Sehhouli, the brother of one of the victims, told the French media that "What happened that's not violence, it' rage."
With more than 5 million Muslims living in France, 70 percent from France's former colony of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, Islam is the countries second largest religion. Muslims make up 10 percent of the French population, but not one Muslim sits in the French parliament. French suburbs are in effect Arab Muslim slums, and have the country's highest crime and unemployment rates. The facts are seldom mentioned when you read news stories about mysterious "youths" rioting in Paris suburbs for no obvious reason.