You have just got to love the media..right wing

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MATTHEWS: Let me go to the question of tactics here. She is using things like having AFSCME, the union, the state and county employees, put out a letter that looked like it came from John Edwards, apparently, attacking Obama, so that she gets the knife into Obama without her fingerprints on it.
That's exactly what has been happening on Hardball and Tucker for the past year. Matthews and Carlson have been making both Clinton and Obama look bad, while largely avoiding responsibility for their own actions.
Matthews and Carlson first invoked Obama's middle name -- and now they yell nightly about a Clinton supporter doing it.
Carlson brought up Obama's long-ago drug use more than a year ago; Matthews did everything he could to force Mark Penn to discuss it last week -- and now they yell nightly about how "sleazy" it is for people connected to Clinton to discuss the topic.
And it isn't merely that Matthews and Carlson are blasting Clinton for things they did first; they're blasting Clinton for things they continue to do every night. Mark Penn used the word "cocaine" twice, a week ago -- in response to Matthews' prodding. Tucker Carlson has used it on his show nine times since then; Matthews has used it 12 times on Hardball. And the two have used the name "Hussein" in connection with Obama 11 times this week.
Tonight, Matthews and Carlson will most likely again yell about how vicious and sleazy the Clinton campaign is for bringing up Obama's middle name, or his past drug use. They'll tell us that the only possible reason to make mention of either thing is to undermine him. And in doing so, they may well mention these things far more often in two hours than the Clinton campaign has in a year.
It's a hell of a scam Matthews and Carlson have going -- undermining both candidates, while getting their campaigns and their supporters angry at one another.


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