Right Wing Media

The Right Wing Media is taking over, including Tucker Carlson and Chris Matthews, those well known right wing nuts?  Ha Ha,  very funny.   I don't think so.  The Media is fighting over which liberal candidate it prefers.  And journalists are like sharks, when they sense blood in the water, they go into a frenzy and may injure their "friends" like Obama.   The only question this election is which Democrat will be nominated as the Republicans seem quite dead in the water this year, floating in a pool of blood and chum, driving the potential Democratic Presidents and their media adorers into a frenzy.   Or perhaps they are more like zombies, the Presidential Election of the Living Dead. 

Democrats will be in charge, that is my prediction. The only question is which one?  Obama has a good chance, despite his lack of experience, as he is the best media candidate. Hillary is so harsh and unlikable.   What will Obama do when he is in charge?  Will Oprah be Vice President?   Time will tell. 


J.D. Kessler said…

Not that all the media aren't guilty of "blood in the water" tactics. My point was Carlson and Matthews created a dig a Hilary based upon a snipe at Obama that isn't directly traceable to her.

For the right wing they get two shots for the price of one.
Bob Cat said…
Well, I am not too embarassed to admit that I don't watch much television, and didn't realize that Tucker Carlson was the token conservative at MSNBC. But Chris Matthews is a liberal in my book.

The tactic is fairly obvious. "Please let's not talk about the fact that Obama's middle name is Hussein, and that his Father was a Muslim." This is a common trial lawyer trick. Unfortunately, it is common because it works. But all politicians should be use to this sort of "debate" if they want to "stay in the kitchen."

Obama seems to be doing just fine, despite any mud thrown his direction.

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