Hypocrites Win No Sympathy From Me

I personally do not think that prostitution should be prosecuted as a crime. It is a waste of taxpayer money to pursue such relatively victimless crimes.   Furthermore, it appears to me to be the sort of crime that is selectively prosecuted, since there seem to be ads for hookers in many common local "throw away" magazines, with the names changed to Masseurs to protect the not so innocent.  

This is what totalitarian regimes do:  they create a web of laws that is impossible to obey and which no one is expected to obey completely, and then selectively prosecute those who are not in political favor.  If this was what was being done to Spitzer, then I do not approve of such a scheme. 

However, Spitzer made a career out of prosecuting similar crimes,  (see this too)  so he has been hoist on his own petard, and I have little sympathy with him.   


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