Iran Must Be Stopped from Getting the Bomb

Thomas Sowell thinks so.
He agues that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, it will turn them over to terrorists, and then terrorists will have nuclear arms and we will be at their mercy. Therefore, the only policy to follow is to stop Iran from getting nuclear arms, at any cost.
Iran could not win a nuclear war with the U.S. Would Iran risk nuclear annihilation to send a few bombs our way? Would terrorists be able to smuggle a weapon over the border and deliver it? Here is an issue I would like to hear the Presidential candidates discuss during the debates.
If you read the book I recommended on Ali Kahn, almost all the rogue states with nuclear technology regarding how to build a bomb came from him. My bet is we would figure out who was responsbile and the consequence to Iran would be total destruction.
Retaliation by Iran might include a terrorist bomb, but that assumes we attack them.
As much as Iran seems irrational at times, they must know that if they had a hand in an attack on the US, they would be totally destroyed.
My other paranoid fear involves suitcase bombs, which I hope are beyond the technological ability of Iran.