Are We Better or Worse for Warring with Iraq?

I was at a party last night that included conservatives and liberals. I raised the question: Is America better off for having attacked Iraq? The universal answer seemed to be "no." Some felt that Iraq was better off(although liberals doubted even this). But no one seemed convinced that America was better.
Virtually everyone felt that America could not afford to assume the role of the world's policeman and attack every dictator who was doing evil. This being the case, I believe that Obama will probably win the election. He seems very inexperienced to be President, but I wish him well. I worry that he is a closet socialist and his true colors will come out when he is elected. If we have a Democrat Congress and President, there will be no counterbalancing forces slowing down the belief that more government can solve any problem. That is my worry. I also distrust the idea that we need to save the world, and worry that McCain's next project would be Iran. We persons of libertarian bent distrust big government, but we are a small minority.