Country First

OK Bob....

Let's get serious. So we have to suspend our campaign to go back to Washington to help with the bailout.

McCain was supposed to be on Letterman, but cancelled to rush back to Washington... except instead before heading to Washington, he did a little interview with Katie Couric. (Letterman and Keith Olberman found this preety amusing). Mr. Wolf cleaning up for the Hockey Mom??? (a Tarantino reference).

So I call Steve this morning and my supposedly bright informed 30+ son tells me that Obama is looking bad because McCain is looking really strong on economic issues. I say, "Hey wasn't McCain saying the fundamentals of the economy are strong a couple of weeks ago"? I double take and realize the spin machine is reaching even younger Americans.

Let me break this down. Polls show Obama trusted more on economic issues. McCain steps in it with his strong fundamentals comment a couple of weeks ago and then back pedals with the American worker and American technology recovery this week. Then the serendipitous "bailout" crisis emerges.

How can McCain become the saviour of US? Suspend your campaign and rush back to Washington.

Obama says let's issue a joint statement. Later that day, McCain suspends his campaign to be presidential. (Forget the fact he is still giving political interviews with Katie Couric). So is McCain being the bipartisan elder statesman, going back to Washington to get the much needed bailout agreement approved for the good of the country...risking his political career?

Let me give you my spin...which Gene Burns of KGO radio put forward a couple of nights ago, this is a grand scheme to bolster McCain's "cred" as the go-to-guy to handle the nation's economy.

Ok, McCain kinda misspoke about the economy, if you believe Bush's Treasury Secretary,. A real crisis emerges. Temporarily cancel the campaign, charge back to Washington, with a few detours. Become the head of a bipartisan coalition to implement the bailout. Look presidential. Have your campaign put out the message "While John McCain is back in Washington working for you, Senator Obama is "cramming" for his foreign policy debate. Obama....doesn't care about the country, needs to be heavily coached to debate McCain, isn't ready to be president, etc.

OK JD, where is your proof. Did you listen to Hannnity today? First, Hannity lines up an unbiased interview with Newt. Hannity banters a little and throws a hanging curve ball. Newt nails it..... thank god for John McCain. He has come back to Washington and will bring the Republicans and Democrats together to agree upon a bailout proposal. Hannity comes back with snipes at Obama's "if I am needed I will come to Washington". And then he drivels that "Obama's advisers took millions from Fanny Mae", bla, bla, bla (as if none of McCain's adviosrs didn't).

Then in his next interview, Hannity tees up a softball for Lindsay Graham. Graham follows Newt and Lindsay (wearing knee socks and a plaid skirt) comes out and parrots the same theme.... McCain...strong on economic issues... he is working for you in Washington ....while Obama plays politics.

OK, you think I am being cynical, Obama wants a bipartisan statement. McCain rushes back to Washington (sort of). Later the same day, Bush announces he is calling the presidential candidates back to Washington to meet with him and Congressional leaders.....for what....A PHOTO OP? This has been carefully orchestrated to try an bolster McCain's "cred" as the "go-to" guy on the economy.

Obama stated that the bipartisan statement was in part a result of a phone call from Tom Coburn (R-Senator, OK). After McCain suspends his campaign, Coburn announces later that "thank god McCain is coming back to Washington to help broker a deal between Democrats and the conservative wing of the Repuclican party

If you think otherwise, give me your spin.

Speaking this moring to JRA, my left wing fringe friend, his first statement to me is that the McCain campaign was afraid to go foward with the debate, and by "rescheduling" to the date of the Palin debate, the republican machine was trying to keep her off the air. I suggested that McCain did not suggest a postponement of the debate to protect Palin. Sooner or later she has to face the demo VP candidate or be called a coward. I said the extreme left missed the mark totally, because they don't recognize that STEVE exists. They are blind to the young, middle of the road who still buy the Republican spin. It is abundantly clear that the undecided are listening to the right wing spin machine and that unless "re-educated", they accept the notion that maybe McCain is "the guy on economic issues". Of course, this talking point has only emerged in the last couple of days.

My last comment may appear over the top, but I will quote the Karl Rove of another administration.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” J. Goebbels


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