Obama Speech

Listening to Obama reminded me of listening to Jimmy Carter.  Lots of fine language. Lot's of promises.  Increased benefits  for everything and everyone, and reduced taxes too!*  

It would be terrific if this was all possible, but it seems to violate common sense.   Something for nothing doesn't work in the real world.  And why should the 5% who are going to be footing this entire bill risk their time and ingenuity in order to be insulted and taxed ad infinitum?  From each according to his ability to each according to his need.  

*Unless you are part of the 5% highest income earners, in which case you are a greedy bastard. 


J.D. Kessler said…

1) I am not one of the top 5%.

2) Even if I were, I still believe the masses, when they are not benefiting like the rich, should eat them.

We have had 20+ years of Gordon Gecko telling working class people they are benefiting from the economic expansion, but wages have grown little for the middle class, there are more poor people, and the rich have become self-entitled bloated pigs.

Obama may lead a peaceful revolution to change the balance of power without hauling out the guillotine.
Bob Cat said…
Beware of killing the golden goose.
J.D. Kessler said…
Ha Ha...the golden goose..

..hope your not on the menu.

Did you see any reviews of CPAC. Glad conservatives have replaced Bill Buckley with Joe the Plumber.

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