You can take you so-called libertarian principles and shove them.
You constantly quote from the Republican playbook. You like that safe Libertian position so as to be able to distance yourself when you realize stained tissue like Rush make the very arguments you make look foolish in the light of day.
We radical, socialist, Marxist, left-wing, pinko, commies are so happy to have control of the HOUSE, THE SENATE AND THE WHITE HOUSE..
...You ain't seen nothing yet. Marginal tax rates at 39%, capital gains rates at (should I say it) 20%.... Helions and tigers and bears OH MY!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and guess what...for at least the next 22 months, we commies can do what ever we want.
Maybe we do something with Health Care?
You better protect your precious bodily fluids. We might enact fluoridation.
You can take you so-called libertarian principles and shove them.
You constantly quote from the Republican playbook. You like that safe Libertian position so as to be able to distance yourself when you realize stained tissue like Rush make the very arguments you make look foolish in the light of day.
We radical, socialist, Marxist, left-wing, pinko, commies are so happy to have control of the HOUSE, THE SENATE AND THE WHITE HOUSE..
...You ain't seen nothing yet. Marginal tax rates at 39%, capital gains rates at (should I say it) 20%.... Helions and tigers and bears OH MY!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and guess what...for at least the next 22 months, we commies can do what ever we want.
Maybe we do something with Health Care?
You better protect your precious bodily fluids. We might enact fluoridation.