Experiment in Socialism

Another way to look at the GM "restructuring" is an experiment in Socialism. After the Obama Plan is put into place, the Federal Government and the Union will own one of America's most famous companies.

Here is a chance for Big Government and Labor to show what they can do. Go get 'em.


J.D. Kessler said…
And your point?
Bob Cat said…
Well, I predict that it will fail. Governments do not run companies well. Even Europe has figured that out.
J.D. Kessler said…
yes and if you haven't noticed the free markets are working well too.
Bob Cat said…
Not so free. Distorted by various government interventions, to provide low cost homes for those who can't afford them. Then to provide government insurance to back up banks no matter how high risk these loans are. And AIG selling insurance to take the risk out of investing in sub prime mortgages converted to securities. The bubble has burst. But did we learn the right lesson?

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