Waxman Markey Man Made Disaster?

It is according to the Investor's Daily News. I am beginning to wonder how much economic damage Obama can manage in his first year. His powers seem virtually unlimited. And with every disaster, the solution is yet more government and more taxes. Soon we will reach a chain reaction and Kah-Bloom.
The asset bubble broke before Obama ever took office. As a libertarian (or is it a libertine), you don't want the government to try to cushion the landing. I on the other hand think that the crisis Obama was handed is a perfect time to affect some serious radical changes.
However, it looks to me like business as usual in Washington. Even the democrats are afraid to take on the health industries. This is a perfect opportunity to implement a single payer system.
Just because the government pays for the health coverage (basic) doesn't mean it couldn't have private upgrade capabilites. If this is such a great country, why do we limit our ability to believe that such a system couldn't be better than the systems in the UK, France, Canada, etc.