
Some wise pundit observed: "Those that oppose the progressive agenda are pulling out all the stops to prevent a democratic majority for ruling the country. Let's hope the strong democratice majority does not shirk from the power it finally has obtained."

Who is to stop the Democrat majority from doing whatever it wants?

The Democrats have already put all their wish lists into the economic stimulus plan.

Now they can pass a single provider health care plan. They can Pass the Carbon Dioxide taxation plan. They can even nationalize private companies like GM. Who is to stop them? Until 2010 they can do whatever they like. Down with capitalism. Up with whatever you call the Democratic vision: socialism, fascism, the era of Big Government returned.

If their plans work, then American will become Heaven and all will be right with the world. The Democrats can brag "I told you so." I hope everything works out dandy.

The proof will be in the pudding and the eating thereof. The pudding is coming and coming soon.


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