Christians in the military

About 87 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. So the fact that most in the military are Christians is not exactly a shocker. I would be far more worried if Islam was booming in the military. Islam seems to encourage a non patriotic point of view that places loyalty to Islam over loyalty to any nation state. Furthermore, the teaching of "jihad" creates conflicts when any Moslem is required to go to war against a Moslem state. There have been several cases of Moslems turning weapons on fellow Americans because of these issues.

Besides, J.D., doesn't any form of religious belief prove that one is nuts and therefore unfit for service?


J.D. Kessler said…

You deliberately sidestep the point. Our military has no business prosletizing to anyone. That's not its mission.

What has been going on at places like the Air Force Academy is nothing short of encouraging evangelicals to convert members of other religions or make their lives uncomfortable. This would eventually result in the entire officer corps of the Air Force to be evangelical Christians.

Will that start taking orders from G_d rather than the Commander-in-Chief?
J.D. Kessler said…

Your niece thinks your comment avoids coming to grips with the pressure being placed upon non evangelical personnel.

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