
Showing posts from September 5, 2004

Dan Rather Explains Everything

Investigative Genius Those of you following the latest coup of Sixty Minutes are no doubt struck with awe at CBS amazing ability to sift through current world events to find the most important news events of the era to focus on. In case you missed it, CBS found mysterious lost documents from 1972 that prove that Bush is a scoundrel who refused to go to his annual physical examination. What gall! What a scoundrel. This is the fourth investigation conducted by Sixty Minutes on Bushes failure to report for his physical. IN case you missed tonight's broadcast, here is a transcript for you to review: Here is another view of Bushes National Guard service with a lot of boring facts.

The Wrong War at the Wrong Time in the Wrong Place?

Kerry on Iraq, in his own words: SEN. JOHN KERRY: "[I]t is something that we know-for instance, Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people, and there is some evidence of their efforts to try to secure these kinds of weapons and even test them." (CBS’ "Face The Nation," 9/23/01) "He [Saddam Hussein] is and has acted like a terrorist, and he has engaged in activities that are unacceptable." (Fox News’ "The O’Reilly Factor," 12/11/01) "[I] think we ought to put the heat on Saddam Hussein. I’ve said that for a number of years, Bill. I criticized the Clinton administration for backing off of the inspections, when Ambassador Butler was giving us strong evidence that we needed to continue. I think we need to put the pressure on, no matter what the evidence is about September 11 ..." (Fox News’ "The O’Reilly Factor," 12/11/01) "I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrori...

Vietnam Retrospective

This is Bob's email Interesting to look at one aspect of the antiwar debate of 1971 from the vantage point of 2004. In political debate, people are free to make predictions about the future. Predicting the future is risk free until the time when the predicted event comes to pass.[on the Dick Cavett tv show, during a debate between John Kerry and John O'Neill]"Cavett asked whether either of us believed in the "cliche" that a bloodbath would occur if the United States were to withdraw from Vietnam. I answered that I thought that there would be a bloodbath given the assassinations we saw in the Can Mau region and the executions by the Viet Cong of South Vietnamese solders whose bodies we recovered in rivers and canals. Kerry answered in substance that it would never occur, that at most there might be five thousand people killed-- a number so small that it was "lunacy" to talk about it.Some 3.5 million people are estimated to have died in the Communist p...