
Showing posts from December 12, 2010

New bloggers

I am way to the left of most of you. However, I welcome all points of view...provided they are willing to back up the positions they take.

My last post

Does anyone care? Can you buy a get out free card by paying $250 million to avoid prosecution by a foreign country. But wait, there is a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the US..... This is intended to prevent US businesses from bribing foreign officials to obtain business. Just because Nigeria can be bought off, where is the US Justice Department????

All the Justice Money Can Buy

From a posting on Truth Out: Bush Sr., James Baker Instrumental in Getting Nigeria to Drop Bribery Charges Against Cheney Friday 17 December 2010 by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t Report Former President George H.W. Bush and ex-Secretary of State James Baker were part of a negotiating team that convinced Nigerian government officials to drop bribery charges against Dick Cheney and Halliburton, the oil services firm he led prior to becoming vice president. Representatives for Halliburton also participated in the talks. Bush and Baker participated in conference call discussions with senior Nigerian government officials, including the country's attorney general, Mohammed Adoke, last weekend on behalf of Cheney in an attempt to work out a settlement, according to Nigerian news reports. On Friday, Femi Babafemi, a spokesman for Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the agency that filed the 16-count indictment last week, said the case against Cheney, Halliburt...

Christians in the military

About 87 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. So the fact that most in the military are Christians is not exactly a shocker. I would be far more worried if Islam was booming in the military. Islam seems to encourage a non patriotic point of view that places loyalty to Islam over loyalty to any nation state. Furthermore, the teaching of "jihad" creates conflicts when any Moslem is required to go to war against a Moslem state. There have been several cases of Moslems turning weapons on fellow Americans because of these issues. Besides, J.D., doesn't any form of religious belief prove that one is nuts and therefore unfit for service?