
Showing posts from June 8, 2008

Is Iraq Improving?

Is Iraq improving?   At least some people think so .   Perhaps "politics at least has a chance" with respect to continuing sectarian conflicts.  Perhaps conflicts can be resolved by elections.   That would be a nice development.    If the Democrats were trying to help with sectarian conflicts in Iraq, would the press pay more attention and in a more favorable fashion?      Perhaps not. Good news is not news.  I just watched the John Adams miniseries.  I wonder of modern Americans would have the stomach to fight a revolution for "Liberty".   What modern Americans want is someone to take care of them, not freedom.    We gladly submit to bureaucrats, judges, "experts" who tell us what to eat, what to read, what to think, and where to spend our money.   Give us security and we'll gladly surrender our liberty.  One thing that apparently hasn't changed since the beginning of American history is that considerations for the national interest sometimes take...

Never Give Up. Never


Why Aren't We Developing Oil Shale and other Oil Resources?

Senator Hatch:  "We have as much oil in oil shale in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado as the rest of the world's oil, combined."   This is one obvious tool to use to achieve more energy independence.   Yet no one seems to be in favor .   Please explain.  ___________________