The Next Threat
______________________ When the U.S.S.R. imploded, many essays were written speculating on the topic: "Who will be our next big enemy?" Some talked about how the 21st century was the century of China and China would be our next enemy. Some imagined that the Eurpean Union would swell into a potential rival and enemy. But China is one of our biggest trading partners, necessary to our standard of living. China needs us as much as we need China. Europeans are our friends and where we love to visit on vacation. Europeans are virtually pacifists and hardly a threat to our country. Some, (showing a slight improvement in the Vision thing), point to the axis of evil: North Korea, Iran and Iraq. Bush, perhaps believing this story, went to war with Iraq, and rattles sabers at Iran. But the outcome of our victory against the political state of Iraq points out with startling clarity that our real enemy today is not one of these poor, pathetic states in the Mid-East, such as ...