
Showing posts from December 30, 2007

Right Wing Media

The Right Wing Media is taking over, including Tucker Carlson and Chris Matthews, those well known right wing nuts?  Ha Ha,  very funny.   I don't think so.  The Media is fighting over which liberal candidate it prefers.  And journalists are like sharks, when they sense blood in the water, they go into a frenzy and may injure their "friends" like Obama.   The only question this election is which Democrat will be nominated as the Republicans seem quite dead in the water this year, floating in a pool of blood and chum, driving the potential Democratic Presidents and their media adorers into a frenzy.   Or perhaps they are more like zombies, the Presidential Election of the Living Dead.  Democrats will be in charge, that is my prediction. The only question is which one?  Obama has a good chance, despite his lack of experience, as he is the best media candidate. Hillary is so harsh and unlikable.   What will Obama do when he is in charge?  Will Oprah be Vice President?   Ti...

You have just got to love the media..right wing

If you want the full text go to MATTHEWS: Let me go to the question of tactics here. She is using things like having AFSCME, the union, the state and county employees, put out a letter that looked like it came from John Edwards, apparently, attacking Obama, so that she gets the knife into Obama without her fingerprints on it. That's exactly what has been happening on Hardball and Tucker for the past year. Matthews and Carlson have been making both Clinton and Obama look bad, while largely avoiding responsibility for their own actions. Matthews and Carlson first invoked Obama's middle name -- and now they yell nightly about a Clinton supporter doing it. Carlson brought up Obama's long-ago drug use more than a year ago; Matthews did everything he could to force Mark Penn to discuss it last week -- and now they yell nightly about how "sleazy" it is for people connected to Clinton to discuss the topic. And it isn't merely that Matthews and Carlson...