
Showing posts from August 9, 2009

Obama Two Face

Obama got elected spouting pretty but vague platitudes promising everything to everyone. He is a good speaker and seemed always to be cool and reasonable and moderate. Now that he is elected, he cannot rely upon vague generalities. He must submit actual laws to be passed. And the laws he has submitted, upon inspection, prove not to be moderate nor cool nor rational. They are radical bills from a radical leftist agenda, spending money with no thought for the deficit, seeking to bring medical care within the total control of the government, taxing every person out of a paranoid fear of ecotastrophe, with no thought about the cost or the likely benefit to the country or world. In short, Obama is exactly what would be predicted from looking at his history and background and the nature of the friends he keeps. Now that his true face is at least being revealed, America is finding out the terrible truth about the mistake it made in 2008. The question of the hour: how lo...