
Showing posts from March 29, 2009

Beating Young Girls

How long before we get flogging for Muslim sins in the U.S.? (The teenage girl's crime? She came out of her house with another guy who was not her husband.) Why are we going back to Afghanistan? Who are we supporting in this wonderfully progressive country?

No We Can't

Europe refused Obama's request for more troops for Afghanistan. Why should we? So they can institute Sharia law under the control of our new allies, the Taliban?

Bowing to Saudi King

Obama bowing to the Saudi King. Say what?


Paul Krugman, recent winner of the Nobel Prize for economics was no friend of either Bush.  Surprisingly, he is not a fan of the Obama Plan either.   Of course, his ideas are not conservative neither.  He apparently feels the government should nationalize the "zombie banks."   So the Banks will be run as a government department, perhaps as efficiently as the Departments of Education and the U.S. Postal Service.  Meanwhile, I am looking for Galt's Gulch.