Democrats v. God

by Bob Clasen

It seems to me that Democrats hate Christianity with a mindless loathing. Perhaps Democrats hate God Himself.

The latest crusade is to kill Christmas. It is no longer okay to say "Merry Christmas" or put up a Christmas tree in any government building. The ACLU will file a lawsuit and hound you into bankruptcy. Don't even think about putting up a creche or singing Christmas Carols. That would surely signal the end of the Republic.

I thought the purpose of the first amendment was 1. to prohibit the establishment of a state religion like the Church of England or Lutheranism in Germany, and 2. to permit the free exercise of religion.

Democrats ignore the second clause completely and interpret the first clause to mean that government must be completely religion free. Since government is virtually omnipresent in modern society, this effectively means that liberals are waging a war to eliminate religion (but especially Christianity). The public school teachers will make sure that such irrational beliefs (Christianity) are scrubbed out of the little innocents brains and they will taught instead "safe sex" and "values clarification."

To take just one ridiculous example, for some reason, this year UPS has prohibited its drivers from having a Christmas wreath on the front of their trucks, or their drivers wearing a Santa hat. For God's sake!

I am sure the nation's Founders would be astonished at this interpretation of the First Amendment as Christianity and preachers were omnipresent in the eighteenth century. What happened to the free exercise of religion????

Atheistic secular Democrats suffer from an irrational fear of Christianity or "Christianophobia."

What is the big fucking deal? Christians teach that we should love one another, forgive our enemies, tell the truth and obey the ten commandments.

Just imagine if these ideas caught on! What a catastrophe! Honesty and charity would spread like wildfire! Husbands and wives would love one another! Crime would disappear. How terrible!!! Might reduce business for lawyers who live a parasitical existence upon the suffering of mankind.

Besides, atheism is just another religion, no more provable than any other.

It is a huge LEAP OF FAITH to believe that everything everything just popped into existence from nowhere "somehow" by "chance" as a result of the "Big Bang!" Amazing! Look at the complexity of particle physics and organic chemistry or any other branch of modern science and try to believe that all this amazing complexity is the product of nothing but random chance.

To make this superstition (atheism) the only permissible teaching of the state is to violate the injunction against establishing a (state) religion.

From a political perspective, waging a war on Christians is a brilliant new theme for Democrats to focus on. Just keep it up.

Democrats: the party of Scrooge. If you hate Christmas (like Maureen Dowd) vote Democrat!

Democrats v. Jesus. Vote Democrat and honk if you hate Jesus.

Democrats v. God. Democrats can lock up the atheist vote, all 2% of it.

And you wonder why the Democrat Party is shrinking. . .



Anonymous said…
Since when are atheists promoting atheism as a religion to be taught in public schools? Since never.

The Big Bang and evolution do not deny the existence of a creator being, or energy, or spirit or God. All things outside of our sensed experience lies in the realm of the metaphysical and, the metaphysical world is all about belief.

I can believe God started the Big Bang and evolution or I can believe the creation story in Genesis. Even Darwin himself was a "deist," a self-described agnostic (or someone who believes in a higher power).

You cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. That is why they call it "having faith." Faith is the basis for both religious and atheistic thought.

Science is the basis for knowledge, so don't confuse your apples with your oranges. Even the Pope himself has acknowledged that the processes of evolution are completely compatible with the idea of God the creator.

For those of you that need "proof" of God's existence, I would encourage you to seek out some spiritual guidance, try Dr. Wayne Dyer's books. You just might actually learn something about the physical and the metaphysical at the same time.

Good luck and god-be-with-ye (otherwise written as "goodbye").

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