Watch' O'Reilley When


AARP may not represent the views of young americans and screws up on elder issues occasionally such as prescription drug benefits (non sequitur). This asshole has set up a counter organization professing to represent the elders (over 50) of america.

See this great article before you get sucked in. Look at his credentials.

Charles W. Jarvis is Chairman and Chief Executive of USA Next and United Seniors Association (USA). USA is the 1.5 million-plus national network of grassroots activists dedicated to Uniting the Generations for America’s FutureTM. USA works intensively to expand Economic Freedom, Health Freedom and Retirement and Investment Freedom for all Americans at every age and every stage in life. Charlie Jarvis is widely respected as a businessman, grassroots strategist and policy expert with a national reputation. He has appeared on many programs, including Fox’s Your World with Neil Cavuto, Hardball with Chris Matthews, MSNBC Live, CNN’s Inside Politics, Hannity and Colmes television show, Sean Hannity Show, Fox News’ The Beltway Boys with Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke, Good Morning America and the Focus on the Family Show, as well as many other programs nationwide. He has also appeared in many periodicals. Charlie is a businessman who served as a senior executive in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, including Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior, ranking number 3 in a department with a $5.7 billion budget. His focus has always been unleashing the dynamism of the private sector in addressing policy issues. He also served as Executive Vice President of Focus on the Family in Colorado, leading the teams for global operations, domestic and global radio/television production and distribution, video production and distribution, eleven magazines, education programs and public policy. Charlie combines these unique experiences with his background as Legislative Director for U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, as corporate executive in a Fortune 100 company and as Vice President and the Chief Operating Officer of a national legal corporation. His experience in national and state grassroots operations is extensive. Charlie Jarvis holds degrees from The University of Virginia and George Mason University School of Law.


J.D. Kessler said…
In case the point of posting this bio of Charles Jarvis eludes the reader, I suspect he has been chosen to head a "Swift Boat Veterans" like organization to counter the anticipated opposition AARP will voice to the privatization of social security.

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