After 10 years, I have decided to continue to comment on the idiots in this country and support those individuals who appear to be getting no public support from the "silent majority" who are afraid of the lunatic right.
How About Kids Accounts?
posted by Bob Clasen
Mr. President, Let's Share the Wealth
Published: February 8, 2005
President Bush said he was open to other people's ideas on how to fix Social Security, so I hope he'll listen to mine.
My idea starts with a blunt political observation. Personal accounts - as they are currently envisioned - are going to be hard to pass. Every important Democrat opposes them. Jim McCrery, the Republican who is chairman of the House Social Security subcommittee, says the president's plan will have to fundamentally change if it is to have a chance.
So my idea is this: If the president's current version of personal accounts stalls, he should consider another version - one that is more likely to win broad support, and that achieves all the goals of an "ownership society."
The personal accounts I'm thinking of would be inspired by a proposal called KidSave, which was floating around in the late 1990's. KidSave wa...